Upcoming Search Classes this Fall

Daniel Tunkelang
2 min readAug 3, 2023


I hope that everyone has been enjoying the summer. I took a sabbatical from teaching, but I’m looking forward to new students this fall.

Are you excited to learn more about search?

If so, you’re in luck! Hopefully one of these three upcoming UpLimit classes suits your needs and schedule. And there’s a discount code at the bottom!

Search Fundamentals: September 25 — October 8

Grant Ingersoll and I designed this 2-week course to introduce the fundamentals of search to engineers, data scientists, and other technical professionals new to the area. We’ll cover the basics of indexing, querying, hand-tuned ranking, aggregations, and search user interfaces. To gain practical experience, you will build an application using OpenSearch (an open fork of Elasticsearch) and a public ecommerce dataset. This course will also prepare you for the Search with Machine Learning course, which assumes familiarity with search fundamentals as a prerequisite.

Search with Machine Learning: October 16 — November 12

Grant Ingersoll and I designed this 4-week course to cover the fundamentals of integrating machine learning and natural language processing techniques into search engines. We’ll learn how to use machine learning for ranking, content understanding, and query understanding, along with how to use embeddings, dense vectors and deep learning to improve retrieval and ranking. You will build applications using OpenSearch (an open fork of Elasticsearch) and several ML libraries and plugins. Note: This course assumes that you have already learned search fundamentals; if not, then we encourage you to take our companion Search Fundamentals course so that you will be prepared for this one.

You can get a discount by registering with the code DG10SEARCH. That will also let the system know that you signed up via me or Grant, which benefits us and makes us feel warm and fuzzy.

Looking forward to seeing lots of new faces this fall. Hopefully yours!

Again, here are the links to register:

